Dr. Mehmet Oz, world renowned heart surgeon says: "The next big frontier in medicine is energy medicine. ....Try Reiki."
“Peace and stillness is where the body heals.” Darlene Sochin-Maras
These private classes, designed exclusively for a caregiver and family member/friend, will be divided into two short instruction days (rather than the typical one long class day). This format allows for energy levels and time to practice in between classes. With an emphasis on both self-treatments and giving full body treatment to others, this is an amazing way to learn how to give Reiki to a loved one, while taking care of yourself. And, it is an excellent way for patients to practice self-care. Reiki is a safe, gentle, and effective complementary care modality for anyone with an acute or chronic illness. Included in the class are Reiki manuals and certificates of class completion, individualized learning, healing attunements both days, hands-on experience, snacks and tea, and all the regular elements of a Reiki 1 class, personalized for your comfort. Cost: $325. Please call for more information or to enroll.
Reiki is a safe, gentle, and effective complementary care modality for anyone with an acute or chronic illness. A hands-on technique, Reiki reduces stress and promotes relaxation which allows the body to do its natural healing. It is easy to learn.
The class emphasizes both self-treatment and giving full Reiki treatments. This is an amazing way to learn how to give Reiki to a loved one, while taking care of yourself. And, it is an excellent way for patients to practice self-care.
These private classes, designed exclusively for one or two caregivers and a family member/friend, will be divided into two short instruction days (rather than the typical one long day). This format allows for energy levels and time for experiences in between classes.
Included in the class are Reiki manuals and certificates of class completion, individualized learning, healing attunements both days, practice time, snacks and tea, and all the regular elements of a Reiki 1 class, personalized for your comfort. Cost: $325.